I have created a contained through dashboard in region "London". But when I try to access it, the program checks -apparently as default region as also stated here- only the region "Dallas" even though the region in my credentials is "London". I tried to create a container through my program and the container was created in the region "Dallas".
How can I make my program access the container in region "London"? Any advice on how to specify the region is appreciated.
My code to list containers looks like below;
final private OSClient os;
public ObjectStorageDAO(String url, String userId, String password, String project, String domainName)
throws Exception {
Identifier domainIdentifier = Identifier.byName(domainName);
Identifier projectIdentifier = Identifier.byName(project);
os = OSFactory.builderV3().endpoint(url).credentials(userId, password)
.scopeToProject(projectIdentifier, domainIdentifier).authenticate();
* Returns the list of containers under the account
public List containers() {
return os.objectStorage().containers().list();
After initiating the os object, can you try forcing the region?
final private OSClient os;
public ObjectStorageDAO(String url, String userId, String password, String project, String domainName)
throws Exception {
Identifier domainIdentifier = Identifier.byName(domainName);
Identifier projectIdentifier = Identifier.byName(project);
os = OSFactory.builderV3().endpoint(url).credentials(userId, password)
.scopeToProject(projectIdentifier, domainIdentifier).authenticate();
// force london region //
* Returns the list of containers under the account
public List containers() {
return os.objectStorage().containers().list();
For more information, see here: http://www.openstack4j.com/learn/identity/identity-v3