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BX Slider doesn't show when opened in Foundation reveal?

Basically, I have a BX Slider that will show up on a pop-up via Zurb Foundation's reveal. However, when I click on a button to show the modal (with the bx slider inside it), it doesn't show up. The weird thing is, when I resize the window, the carousel suddenly appears.

Modal Trigger Button:

<a class="button" data-open="modal-product-detail">Show Modal</a>

Modal HTML:

<div class="reveal" id="modal-product-detail" data-reveal>

              <ul class="bxslider">
                <li class="">

                    <img src="images/img_product_popup_detail.jpg">

                <li class="">

                    <img src="images/img_product_popup_detail.jpg">

                <li class="">

                    <img src="images/img_product_popup_detail.jpg">


              <button class="reveal-close" data-close aria-label="Close modal" type="button">

JS code:


    auto: false,
    controls: true,
    pager: false


Here's a simulation of the problem:

Think it has something to do with the modal being hidden initially.


  • The Bx-slider needs to be instantiated,after the modal dialog is shown.

    Currently your instantiating bx-slider on document.ready(), but since modal dialog is hidden, it is getting destroyed. so when the modal dialog is shown again, bx-slider does not come up on screen.

    JS code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
       $(".sampleclick").on('click', function() {
            auto: true,
            controls: false,
            pager: false

    CSS code:

    .modal1 {
       display: none;

    Working Demo @ JSFiddle

    There are couple of other changes which I have done in your code Note:

    • Always place all the jQuery related code inside document.ready(), so that you don't get any surprises before your page is loaded completely on screen.
    • When hiding elements/images on page during initial load, better to do it using CSS than using JS/jQuery code, as you would see the images appear and then disappear on screen.