I am following the documentation steps of getstream and everything went well until the "Retrieving Activities" step.
import stream from 'getstream' // stream-js v3.5.0
const client = stream.connect(APP_KEY, null, APP_ID, { location: 'eu-west' });
const user1 = client.feed('user', '1', READ_ONLY_TOKEN);
user1.get({ limit:5, offset:5 })
.catch((errorData) => {
gives me
error: undefined,
response: {
statusCode: 0,
request: {
uri: {
protocol: "https:",
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: "api.getstream.io",
port: null,
hostname: "api.getstream.io",
hash: null,
search: "?limit=5&offset=5&api_key=...secret...&location=unspecified",
query: "limit=5&offset=5&api_key=...secret...&location=unspecified",
pathname: "/api/v1.0/feed/global/global/",
path: "/api/v1.0/feed/global/global/?limit=5&offset=5&api_key=...secret...&location=unspecified",
href: "https://api.getstream.io/api/v1.0/feed/global/global/?limit=5&offset=5&api_key=...secret...&location=unspecified"
method: "GET",
headers: {
stream - auth - type: "jwt",
Authorization: "...secret...",
["X-Stream-Client"]: "stream-javascript-client-browser-unknown",
accept: "application/json"
Any suggestion of what I could try here?
It was a bug, described at GetStream/stream-js#99, that has just been fixed by the getstream.io team.
I found out the problem. Meteor has its own browser fallback for the request lib that has a different default for withCredentials. This overrides the request browser library that I mentioned before. PR #100 should fix this by setting withCredentials explicitly.
I merged it into master, you can use install from there for now until it is released.
Thank you all for the hard work!