Actually I am using UIL for downloading image from my url. I used below code to download. but not I m not able to get how to display image downloaded in my Mainactivity. One thing I noted is it downloading image in cache, so I got path of that file as /storage/android/data/test/cache/1235456. Now can u guide how can I set this path to image source so that I can be loaded during app startup. Or there is other better way to put these images in imageview. I read code of UIL and their sample application, bit confused.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ImageView ivUIL = (ImageView) findViewById(;
String url = "myurl";
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext()).build();
Panache you can try to this it can help me..
ImageView ivUIL = (ImageView) findViewById(;
String url = " banner.jpg";
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext()).build();
ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(GlobleArray.array.get(position).getStrUrl(), ivUIL);
ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(url , ivUIL);