I hope that this is a silly mistake and I am overlooking something really simple. I have a function to map a network drive and copy the contents of network drive to a destination. In the end, I return the destination path for re-use later. However, it seems to be returning different type of object for destination path. Following is the code snippet:
function CopyDropFolder {
[string] $dropFolder,
[string] $releaseName,
[string] $mapDrive
$stageDirectory= $('c:\temp\' + $releaseName + '-' + (Get-Date -Uformat %Y%m%d-%H%M).ToString() + '\')
[string]$destinationDirectory = $stageDirectory
Write-Host 'Mapping Folder ' $dropFolder ' as ' $mapDrive
MountDropFolder -mapfolder $dropFolder -mapDrive $mapDrive
$sourceDir = $mapDrive + ':' + '\'
Write-Host 'Copying from mapped drive (' $sourceDir ') to ' $stageDirectory
Copy-Item $sourceDir -Destination $stageDirectory -Recurse
Write-Host $destinationDirectory
return $destinationDirectory
I call the function as follows:
$stageDirectory = CopyDropFolder -dropFolder $mapFolder -releaseName $releaseName -mapDrive $newDrive
Write-Host 'Staged to ' $stageDirectory
The output from with the function (Write-Host $destinationDirectory) is:
However from the main script where the call is made, output is:
Staged to Z c:\temp\mycopieddirectory-20161228-1422\
It seems like the stageDirectory variable that is returned is somehow mapped with Z: which is the new drive that is mapped within the function.
Any ideas on how to actually return only the path that is printed above within the function?
PowerShell has the concept of pipelines. Everything you call that return a value which you don't assign to a variable or pipe e. g. to the Out-Null
cmdlet will get returned from the function (even you don't explicitly use the return
keyword). So you should pipe the output within your functions to Out-Null
function CopyDropFolder {
[string] $dropFolder,
[string] $releaseName,
[string] $mapDrive
$stageDirectory= $('c:\temp\' + $releaseName + '-' + (Get-Date -Uformat %Y%m%d-%H%M).ToString() + '\')
[string]$destinationDirectory = $stageDirectory
Write-Host 'Mapping Folder ' $dropFolder ' as ' $mapDrive
MountDropFolder -mapfolder $dropFolder -mapDrive $mapDrive | Out-Null
$sourceDir = $mapDrive + ':' + '\'
Write-Host 'Copying from mapped drive (' $sourceDir ') to ' $stageDirectory
Copy-Item $sourceDir -Destination $stageDirectory -Recurse | Out-Null
Write-Host $destinationDirectory
return $destinationDirectory
Also, you could refactor your method like this:
function Copy-DropFolder
[string] $dropFolder,
[string] $releaseName,
[string] $mapDrive
$stageDirectory = Join-Path 'c:\temp\' ('{0}-{1}' -f $releaseName, (Get-Date -Uformat %Y%m%d-%H%M).ToString())
MountDropFolder -mapfolder $dropFolder -mapDrive $mapDrive | Out-Null
Copy-Item "$($mapDrive):\" -Destination $stageDirectory -Recurse | Out-Null
Three main improvements: