After executing this query in Artifactory
/usr/bin/jfrog rt s foo/01_Develop/01_CI/HPCC-Package-*.zip
I have this output:
[Info] Searching artifacts...
[Info] Found 3 artifacts.
"path": "foo/01_Develop/01_CI/"
"path": "foo/01_Develop/01_CI/"
"path": "foo/01_Develop/01_CI/"
I want to get the last path in json array with this command as suggested here:
/usr/bin/jfrog rt s foo/01_Develop/01_CI/HPCC-Package-*.zip | jq .[-1].path
But fails with
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 6
I cannot change json as it is the output from artifactory jfrog tool
NOTE: I have jq version 1.5
Using quotes I have the exact same error:
/usr/bin/jfrog rt s foo/01_Develop/01_CI/HPCC-Package-*.zip | jq '.[-1].path'
/usr/bin/jfrog rt s foo/01_Develop/01_CI/HPCC-Package-*.zip | jq ".[-1].path"
For the record, here's a jq-only solution that assumes there are exactly two lines of non-JSON prolog:
... | jq -n -R -r '[inputs][2:] | join("") | fromjson[-1]'
"path": "foo/01_Develop/01_CI/"