Hi im building a Phonegap App using Accelerometer Data. Right now im getting a sample rate of like 14 Hz, which seems to be very little, since im trying to classify movement data.
With a sensor speed test tool i saw that the speed i have is somehow similiar to the sensor rate SENSOR_DELAY_UI which is a setting that can be picked when registering the sensor. When i change it in the test app to SENSOR_RATE_FASTEST i get around 100Hz.
But how can i set this up from a Phonegap APP?
function startstoptracking(){
if(sensorAcc == null) {
var options = { frequency: 40 };
sensorAcc = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(accelerometerSuccess,accelerometerError, options);
} else {
sensorAcc = null;
Im happy about any help...
It was not possible that times in phonegap to set a faster rate.