I have a Stored Procedure which I call exactly like all my others (which work fine) but it only seems to be executed when I add Count() to it...
This is my controller code:
public static void SaveGridLayout(string userName, string gridViewId, string layoutData)
using (var context = new Entities())
var userNameParam = new SqlParameter("@user_name", userName);
var gridViewIdParam = new SqlParameter("@grid_id", gridViewId);
var layoutParam = new SqlParameter("@layout", layoutData);
context.Database.SqlQuery<UserGridLayoutsEntity>("sp_SaveLayout @user_name, @grid_id, @layout", userNameParam, gridViewIdParam, layoutParam);
This does not give any result, but when I change the last line to:context.Database.SqlQuery<UserGridLayoutsEntity>("sp_SaveLayout @user_name, @grid_id, @layout", userNameParam, gridViewIdParam, layoutParam).Count();
it does and the SP is executed. It would be nice to somehow not have to add count and have the procedure executed right from the start.
public static void SaveGridLayout(string userName, string gridViewId, string layoutData)
using (var context = new Entities())
var userNameParam = new SqlParameter("@user_name", userName);
var gridViewIdParam = new SqlParameter("@grid_id", gridViewId);
var layoutParam = new SqlParameter("@layout", layoutData);
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("sp_SaveLayout @user_name, @grid_id, @layout", userNameParam, gridViewIdParam, layoutParam);
I think you can execute it directly like this. With .SqlQuery you can even use .ToList() if not .Count() but executesqlcommand should do a good job in you case.