I have bits of piecework being done by different custom (source code unavailable) frameworks which hand back Map instances. Unfortunately, these frameworks are not consistent in their returning Map instances which have been wrapped with Collections.unmodifiableMap. To ensure a higher degree of immutability (for easier multi-threaded use) in my code, I have just uniformly called Collections.unmodifiableMap on anything returned by these frameworks.
Map<String, Record> immutableMap = framework.getRecordsByName();
//does this created a nested set of unmodifiableMap wrapper instances?
this.immutableField = Collections.unmodifiableMap(immutableMap);
Map<String, Record> maybeImmutableMap = framework.getRecordsByName();
//is there some means to get instanceof to work?
if (!(maybeImmutableMap instanceof Collections.UnmodifiableMap))
this.immutableField = Collections.unmodifiableMap(maybeImmutableMap);
I realized that I might have a performance issue around this part of my design. And that in some instances, I was calling Collections.unmodifiableMap passing it an instance which had already been wrapped by the framework by the same call. And that my re-wrapping was likely causing an extra method call across the entire instance.
It appears that using "instanceof Collections.UnmodifiableMap" doesn't work. And I cannot find any way to detect (excluding using reflection which is not an option in this situation - WAY too slow) if the Map instance I am currently referencing needs to be wrapped or not.
After reviewing all of the feedback, I came to the conclusion that no matter what I do, the solution is going to be some form of kludge (have a mild odor). I think this is due to the fact that the part of the Collections API which produces unmodifiable instances didn't provide for avoiding nesting unmodifiable instances nor did it provide a "public" way for a client to properly avoid the nesting.
And due to considerations around multiple class loaders and serialization via RMI, the one solution I really liked (class reference comparison by Jorn Horstmann) has issues. However, when I take his approach and combine it with a modification of the class name approach (recommneded by Eugene Kuleshov), I think I get as close as I am going to get to having a solution that will help me in my multi-threaded distributed processing environment. And it goes a little bit like this:
public class MyCollections {
private static final String UNMODIFIABLE_MAP_CLASS_NAME =
Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap()).getClass().getName();
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> unmodifiableMap(Map<K, V> map) {
return map.getClass().getName().equals(UNMODIFIABLE_MAP_CLASS_NAME)
? map
: Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
This will still has all the advantages of a reference comparison assuming everything is happening within the same ClassLoader context and the classname's string has been properly interned. And it does it while politely keeping encapsulation (avoiding my code referencing the class name directly). However, if the two assumptions don't hold, then the evaluation will fall back to a standard string comparison which will work assuming the class name does not change between different versions of the library (which seems to have a pretty low probability).
Is there anything I am forgetting or missing in this approach?
And thank you again, everyone, for your feedback. I really appreciate it.