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Correct JSON API Request Godaddy Domain Purchase

I already have a JSON but the api always bring me:

  "message": "End-user must read and consent to all of the following legal agreements: DNPA",
  "name": "ApiError"

I tried with:

   "url": "",
   "agreementKey": "DNRA",
   "content": "..content.."

but it gives me this:

  "message": "request entity too large",
  "expected": 268149,
  "length": 268149,
  "limit": 102400,
  "type": "entity.too.large"

The Json is:

  "domain": "",
  "consent": {
     "agreementKeys": [
    "agreedBy": "Luis Gonzalez",
    "agreedAt": "2016-12-24T07:37:43+00:00"
  "period": 1,
  "nameServers": [
    " "
  "renewAuto": true,
  "privacy": false,
  "contactRegistrant": {
    "nameFirst": "Luis",
    "nameMiddle": "",
    "nameLast": "Gonzalez",
    "organization": "Inquid",
    "jobTitle": "CEO",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "4491010645",
    "fax": " ",
    "addressMailing": {
      "address1": "1501 India Street",
      "address2": " ",
      "city": "San Diego",
      "state": "California",
      "postalCode": "92101",
      "country": "US"
  "contactAdmin": {
    "nameFirst": "Luis",
    "nameMiddle": "",
    "nameLast": "Gonzalez",
    "organization": "Inquid",
    "jobTitle": "CEO",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+1.7737374427",
    "fax": " ",
    "addressMailing": {
      "address1": "1501 India Street",
      "address2": " ",
      "city": "San Diego",
      "state": "California",
      "postalCode": "92101",
      "country": "US"
  "contactTech": {
    "nameFirst": "Luis",
    "nameMiddle": "",
    "nameLast": "Gonzalez",
    "organization": "Inquid",
    "jobTitle": "CEO",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+1.7737374427",
    "fax": " ",
    "addressMailing": {
      "address1": "1501 India Street",
      "address2": " ",
      "city": "San Diego",
      "state": "California",
      "postalCode": "92101",
      "country": "US"
  "contactBilling": {
    "nameFirst": "Luis",
    "nameMiddle": "",
    "nameLast": "Gonzalez",
    "organization": "Inquid",
    "jobTitle": "CEO",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+1.7737374427",
    "fax": " ",
    "addressMailing": {
      "address1": "1501 India Street",
      "address2": " ",
      "city": "San Diego",
      "state": "California",
      "postalCode": "92101",
      "country": "US"


  • The problem was that my json were incorrect and the way to check how it should be is to use the POST method: /v1/domains/purchase/validate in:

    That is how I realised the wrong part was the date format

    "consent": {
         "agreementKeys": [
        "agreedBy": "Luis Gonzalez",
        "agreedAt": "2016-12-24T07:37:43+00:00"

    which should be:

    "consent": {
        "agreedBy": "Luis Gonzalez",
        "agreedAt": "2016-09-22T14:01:54.9571247Z"

    And also phone formats were incorrect.