I'm using Angular 1.5 and am creating a custom drop-down. There are no elements that use ngModel involved. I want to be able to have a form know if my component is dirty, pristine, etc. My thinking is that I'd use ngModel, like I would a directive. However, since there is no linking function in a component, I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible?
Let's just say my component template is this:
My code is this:
angular.component('myThing', {
bindings: {
model: '='
require: '^ngModel'
.controller('myThingController', () => {
// stuff and things
I made a really simple example instead of all of my code because I'm not sure where to even begin with using ngModel within a component. I didn't think it served anyone to have me code dump. If more code is required, please feel free to ask and I'll happily expand my example.
I created a simple pen to try to work through this: http://codepen.io/yatrix/pen/rWEJYV?editors=1011
You can use require: { ngModel: '^ngModel' }
on your component declaration. And you can access through the controller context, i.e., this.ngModel
within your controller.
The following snippet implements an example based on your codepen.
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('ctrl', ($scope) => {
$scope.model = {
value: "Hello"
app.component('myThing', {
require: {
ngModel: '^ngModel'
template: '<div>{{$ctrl.ngModel.value}}</div><br/><button type="button" ng-click="$ctrl.doSomething()">Click This</button>',
bindings: {
ngModel: '='
controller: function() {
this.doSomething = function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.0/angular.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<my-thing ng-model="model"></my-thing>