I'm making a method to be executed in another thread because of the time it may take. However, I want to inform the caller that the operation iswill be finished and if it was successful. To do so, I would need a functional interface that returns nothing (I don't need the result of my callback) and that passes a boolean.
Example code:
public boolean send(Command command) {
try {
//long stuff
return true;
} catch(Exception ex) {
//logging error
return false;
public void sendAsync(Command command, MyCallback callback) {
new Thread(() -> {
boolean successful = send(command);
if(callback != null)
Something like:
void call(boolean successful);
Is it already present in Java or do I have to make one myself ?
The method void call(boolean successful)
can be represented by a Consumer<Boolean>
as void accept(Boolean b)
, which is built into java. That would allow you avoid having to make your own functional interface.
public void sendAsync(Command command, Consumer<Boolean> callback) {
new Thread(() -> {
boolean successful = send(command);
if(callback != null)