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how to use event in weld (cdi)

I am studying Weld Event from jboss weld event tutorial and I want to write an example which observes an event and print helloword when it was fired.

this is my code:

//MyEvent when it was fired, print HelloWorld
public class MyEvent{}

//observe MyEvent and when it happen print HelloWorld
public class EventObserver {
    public void demo(@Observes MyEvent event){

//Main Class fire Event in demo method
public class EventTest {
    @Inject @Any Event<MyEvent> events;
    public void demo(){
        Weld weld = new Weld();
        WeldContainer container = weld.initialize(); MyEvent());
    public static void main(String[] args){
        EventTest test = new EventTest();

it doesnt work and give below exception info:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
       at weldLearn.event.EventTest.demo(
       at weldLearn.event.EventTest.main(

it seems that there are no beans in container which can initialize

Event<MyEvent> events;

Then what should I do to make it running, my beans.xml is empty

  • Maybe I should do something in beans.xml?
  • or I should write a java class implements Event interface?
    anything will be apprecited.


  • Basically, your code fails because you're not using a managed instance of your class. Here's a better way to do it

    public class EventTest {
      @Inject Event<MyEvent> events;
      public void demo(){
      public static void main(String[] args){
        Weld weld = new Weld();
        WeldContainer container = weld.initialize();
        EventTest test =;

    You start the container in main, and use a managed reference to your class. Injection points are only resolved when you're using managed references.