I am new in dse graph, I want to create gremlin query which gives me list of all vertex which is linked from specified vertex but from this list I want to remove those list which are linked cyclic.
A --> B
A --> C
A --> D
B --> A
If I have above relation then I want below vertex list as result
B and A should not be in above list as it has cyclic relation
I have below two separate query to find all linked vertexes and to find cyclic vertex
Could you please help me to find exact query to achieve my requirement.
So you basically want to filter out vertices, that have an in
and an out
edge to a particular vertex.
This is your sample graph:
gremlin> g = TinkerGraph.open().traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard]
gremlin> g.addV().property(id, "A").as("a").
......1> addV().property(id, "B").as("b").
......2> addV().property(id, "C").as("c").
......3> addV().property(id, "D").as("d").
......4> addE("link").from("a").to("b").
......5> addE("link").from("a").to("c").
......6> addE("link").from("a").to("d").
......7> addE("link").from("b").to("a").iterate()
And this is the traversal you're looking for:
gremlin> g.V().as("a").not(out().out().where(eq("a"))).not(__.in().in().where(eq("a")))