hope all is well with you. I'm currently working with a cassandra database and I'm almost done with it. Currently I am deploying my services and an error occurred. To work best with cassandra in my nestjs back-end I use the framework https://github.com/ifaim/nestjs-express-cassandra This works in the backend with the framework https://github.com/masumsoft/express-cassandra (which is actively updated and used a lot). But now the problem is that according to the documentation of datastax (where my cassandra db is hosted) I have to deposit a secureConnectBundle to be able to connect to my database.
However, I have found very little online about this and generally I find more examples of how to connect to your datastax database without secureConnectBundle than with. So far with me but without success and therefore I ask here. I really hope that I do not have to change the framework because that would probably mean the end of this project.
export const cassandraOptions: ExpressCassandraModuleOptions = {
clientOptions: {
contactPoints: [
protocolOptions: { port: 9042 },
keyspace: 'partii',
queryOptions: {
fetchSize: 100,
consistency: 1,
authProvider: new auth.PlainTextAuthProvider('X', 'X'),
ormOptions: {
createKeyspace: false,
defaultReplicationStrategy: {
class: 'SimpleStrategy',
replication_factor: 1,
migration: 'safe',
Its solved.
import {
} from '@iaminfinity/express-cassandra';
// get fs to read the certificate
import * as fs from 'fs';
// get path to resolve the certificate path
import * as path from 'path';
export const cassandraOptions: () => ExpressCassandraModuleOptions = () => {
const sslOptions = {
rejectUnauthorized: true,
cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/database/cert')),
key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/database/key.pem')),
ca: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/database/ca.crt')),
return {
clientOptions: {
contactPoints: [
protocolOptions: { port: 29042 },
keyspace: 'partii',
queryOptions: {
fetchSize: 100,
consistency: 1,
sslOptions: {
host: '',
checkServerIdentity: function (host, cert) {
return undefined;
authProvider: new auth.PlainTextAuthProvider(
ormOptions: {
createKeyspace: false,
defaultReplicationStrategy: {
class: 'SimpleStrategy',
replication_factor: 1,
migration: 'alter',