I have to display some special characters like ¼, ½ etc. in a QTextEdit which are not on the QWERTY keyboard.I am able to type these characters in the QTextEdit and also able to paste them. But when I try to programatically set these characters QTextEdit displays an extra character 'Â'.
I do not get this problem while typing and pasting. These characters are typed with some Alt+[code] codes.
I am using Qt 4.8 on Windows 8 64bit.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QTextEdit t;
t.setPlainText("¼2½ \n"); // QTextEdit displays=> ¼2½
// t.setHtml("¼2½ \n"); // QTextEdit displays=> ¼2½
// t.insertHtml("¼2½ \n"); // QTextEdit displays=> ¼2½
// t.insertPlainText("¼2½ \n"); // QTextEdit displays=> ¼2½
// also tried setHtml() with HTML code which works in Firefox didn't help me
return a.exec();
How can I put these characters in a QTextEdit programatically without this extra character?
Use QTextCodec to display characters in UTF-8 encoding.
#include <QTextCodec>
QTextCodec* codec=QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
// QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(codec); //if you want everything to be in UTF-8
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Or convert characters in place:
t.setPlainText(QObject::trUtf8("¼2½ \n"));