Search code examples

Titanium not load menu and menuItem visible/not visible

I have two problems with the menu. The menu is created by .xml file.


<MenuItem id = "search" onclick = "search" />
<MenuItem id = "add" onclick = "add" />
</ Menu>

1) The first problem is that sometimes strangely the menu is not loaded, that is, do not see the buttons. Can you tell me why.

2) The second problem is that I have a menuItem field normally not visible, only determiate conditions in the field will have to be visible. Could you tell me how I can have access to the field.


<MenuItem id = "profile" />


"#profile[platform=android]": {
      title: "Profile",
         icon: "/global/profile.png"
         showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS,
         visible: false


$ .profile.visible = True;

Error message: Can not set property visible of undefined.

I apologize for my bad English.

Thank you.



         var activity = $ .index.activity;
         activity.onPrepareOptionsMenu = function (e) {
             var favoriteGroup = ({
                 title: "Profile",
                 icon: "/global/profile.png"
                 showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS,
             favoriteGroup.addEventListener ('click', function () {
                Alloy.createController ("favorite_group", args) .getView (). Open ();
         activity.invalidateOptionsMenu ();


  • Solution for issue 1:

    You will need to reload the menus created in Alloy XML. Mostly people create menus in .js file in window's open events so that they can be created only after a window is properly opened:

    To create menus in .js file, do it like this:

    - Solution using window.js only

        var searchMenu, addMenu;
        $.window.addEventListener('open', function () {
            var activity = $.window.activity;
            activity.onCreateOptionsMenu = function (e) {
                searchMenu ={
                    title: 'Search',
                    showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS
                searchMenu.addEventListener('click', function () {
                     // open my profile here or do other tasks
                addMenu ={
                    title: 'Add',
                    showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS
            // this is the code to validate menu items once they are added into an activity

    - Solution using window.xml + window.js

    So, to solve your issue no. 1, you might need to call this code in your controller file of that xml (activity is only available once a window is opened, so use open event):


    <Menu platform="android">
        <MenuItem id="MENU_SEARCH" title="Search" onClick='search' showAsAction="Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS" />
        <MenuItem id="MENU_ADD"   title="Add" onClick='add' showAsAction="Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS" />


    $.window.addEventListener('open', function () {

    Solution for issue 2:

    It could be due to 2 reasons:

    • Your tss is not written correctly like you have written in your question.
    • You are accessing the $.profile menu-item even before it's opened. (see code in Solution 1). So set a timeout in window open event when you are setting the property.


    $.window.addEventListener('open', function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
            $.profile.visible = true;
        }, 400);


    "#profile[platform=android]": {
         title: "Profile",
         icon: "/global/profile.png",
         showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS,
         visible: false