I am getting the error 'LoginForm' object has no attribute 'as_widget'
whenever I use formset
. I really do not know what is the problem as the forms renders properly with normal Django forms. I am trying to see what characteristics in the formset
is giving this problem with django-widget-tweaks
, but up until now it is hard to figure out. I am getting the error at {% render_field field class="form-control" placeholder=field.label %}
in the HTML code.
class LoginForm(ModelForm):
user_login = forms.HiddenInput()
prefix = 'prefix_login'
class Meta:
model = Usermie
fields = ['email', 'password']
widgets = {'password': forms.PasswordInput(),
'email': forms.EmailInput()}
def manage_articles(request):
article_formset = formset_factory(LoginForm)
book_formset = formset_factory(SignUpForm)
if request.method == 'POST':
if 'login' in request.POST:
login = article_formset(request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='login')
if login.is_valid():
email = request.POST.get('prefix_login-email', '')
password = request.POST.get('prefix_login-password', '')
# Return a user_obj object if the username and password are valid
# otherwise it will return null, the null variable is called None in python
user_obj = auth.authenticate(email=email, password=password)
# return HttpResponse("inside form if condition")
if user_obj is not None:
if user_obj.is_active:
login_usermie(request, user_obj)
return HttpResponseRedirect('/home/')
# pass
return HttpResponse("Your account is inactive.")
elif 'signup' in request.POST:
signup = book_formset(request.POST, request.FILES)
if signup.is_valid():
login = article_formset
signup = book_formset
return render(request, 'usermie/formtest.html', {
'login': login,
'signup': signup,
<div class="navbar navbar-default nav-links navbar-static-top page-nav">
<div class="container">
<a class="mini-navbar navbar-brand" href="/">
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/GAQSCtB.png" width="25"
alt="Driven Car Sales Logo"
class="img-rounded logo-nav mini-navbar" />
<ul class="nav navbar-nav nav-form-out pull-right">
<form class="navbar-form navbar-form-out login" action="" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
{% load widget_tweaks %}
{% for field in login %}
{% if login.errors %}
<div class="form-group">
<label class="sr-only" for="{{ field.auto_id }}">{{ field.label }}</label>
{% render_field field class="form-control" placeholder=field.label %}
{% if field == login.password %}
{% for hidden in field.hidden_fields %}
{{ hidden }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="help-block with-errors">{{ field.errors }}</div>
{% else %}
<div class="form-group">
<label class="sr-only" for="{{ field.auto_id }}">{{ field.label }}</label>
{% render_field field class="form-control" placeholder=field.label %}
{% if field == login.password %}
{% for hidden in field.hidden_fields %}
{{ hidden }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox"> Remember me
<button type="submit" name="action" value="login" class="btn btn-default">Sign in</button>
<form class="signup" method="POST" action="">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ signup.as_p }}
<button name='action' value='signup' type="submit">Sign up</button>
variable in template is a formset. So when you do following:
{% for field in login %}
{% render_field field class="form-control" placeholder=field.label %}
{% endfor %}
you have form as field
value and not a field.
Try do this:
{% for form in login %}
{% for field in form %}
{% render_field field class="form-control" placeholder=field.label %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}