i wanto implement jquery.alphanumeric in html pattern, so i use jquery plugin from here,
this is my code
<input type="text" char-allow="$#*" class="alpha">
<input type="text" char-allow="+-" class="numeric">
<input type="text" char-allow="&" class="alphanumeric">
function setAlphaNumeric(){
var a = $(this).attr("char-allow"); $(this).numeric({allow:a});
var a = $(this).attr("char-allow"); $(this).alpha({allow:a});
var a = $(this).attr("char-allow"); $(this).alphanumeric({allow:a});
is there any shortest & best than that code?
FYI, with jQuery and a little simple use of RegEx, you really don't need a plugin for this. It's extremely simple.
Update! Here's a quick breakdown of first example.
: Here, I'm simply making use of the DOM's document
variable to assign events via jQuery live
feature. This is a handy way to ensure that even elements loaded after the DOM is finished loading (dynamic elements) will still adhere to the given event task..on('keydown', '.alpha'
: The first 2 params are our event and our selector, respectively. I chose the keydown
event because we can control whether or not to even show a character by returning a boolean
value. IF false
is returned, then no character will be printed to the UI.var a = e.key;
: jQuery Events is nice enough to translate to String what character is being asked for. Here, I simply assign that String to a variable for checking!if (a.length == 1)
: The reason for this is simple, if the String is longer than 1 or less than 1, then it's not a character. You can see this yourself by using something like console.debug(a);
in the Event method, and then watching your console as you type in the input. For example, a Backspace key will have a String of "Backspace"
: alpha
: Looks for all lower case letters a
through z
: Includes your "allowed" characters, using |
as an "OR" separator. A Backslash is needed for the $
and *
characters in order to escape them in the RegEx statements; otherwise they have an entirely different meaning of their own./i
: This little suffix tells our RegEx to ignore the case of the characters. So our beginning statement no longer cares if it's Lower or Upper case./[0-9]|\+|-/
: numeric
: Looks for each digit, 0
through 9
: Much the same as the alphabet one, this is your extra "allowed" characters, separated by an |
(OR) operator./[a-z]|[0-9]|&/i
: alphanumeric
: Looks for all lower case letters a
through z
: Or looks for each digit, 0
through 9
: Again, checks for your allowed character./i
: And again, ignore all case issues.Example 1:
.on('keydown', '.alpha', function(e) {
var a = e.key;
if (a.length == 1) return /[a-z]|\$|#|\*/i.test(a);
return true;
.on('keydown', '.numeric', function(e) {
var a = e.key;
if (a.length == 1) return /[0-9]|\+|-/.test(a);
return true;
.on('keydown', '.alphanumeric', function(e) {
var a = e.key;
if (a.length == 1) return /[a-z]|[0-9]|&/i.test(a);
return true;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<hr />
<label for="inpAlpha">Alpha</label>
<input id="inpAlpha" type="text" char-allow="$#*" class="alpha" />
<hr />
<label for="inpNumeric">Num</label>
<input id="inpNumeric" type="text" char-allow="+-" class="numeric" />
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaNum">Alpha Num</label>
<input id="inpAlphaNum" type="text" char-allow="&" class="alphanumeric" />
<hr />
Or with everything combined in one method, Example 2:
.on('keydown', 'input', function(e) {
var a = e.key;
if (a.length == 1) switch (true) {
case $(this).hasClass('alpha'):
return /[a-z]|\$|#|\*/i.test(a);
case $(this).hasClass('numeric'):
return /[0-9]|\+|-/.test(a);
case $(this).hasClass('alphanumeric'):
return /[a-z]|[0-9]|&/i.test(a);
return true;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<hr />
<label for="inpAlpha">Alpha</label>
<input id="inpAlpha" type="text" char-allow="$#*" class="alpha" />
<hr />
<label for="inpNumeric">Num</label>
<input id="inpNumeric" type="text" char-allow="+-" class="numeric" />
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaNum">Alpha Num</label>
<input id="inpAlphaNum" type="text" char-allow="&" class="alphanumeric" />
<hr />
And, just for the heck of it, if you really do want a jQuery Plugin, I made a couple very simple ones. The first one is even more simplistic than the Plugin referred to by OP. See My Github for a bit more detailed info than below.
This first version is barely 20 lines of code, and could even be minified to be much smaller [QuickLink]. It's very simplistic in that you only need to assign 1 of 3 classes to any input, [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'alphanumeric' ]
. If you want extra characters allowed, then simply add an HTML5 data attribute of "allow" and give it the value of the extra characters to allow.
Like so: <input class="alpha" data-allow="$#*" type="text" />
;(function($) {
var regEx = {
alpha: new RegExp('[a-z]', 'i'),
numeric: new RegExp('[0-9]'),
alphanumeric: new RegExp('[a-z]|[0-9]', 'i')
function procInput(a, b, c) {
switch(!0) {
case a.hasClass('alpha'):
return c ? 0 <= c.indexOf(b) || regEx.alpha.test(b) : regEx.alpha.test(b);
case a.hasClass('numeric'):
return c ? 0 <= c.indexOf(b) || regEx.numeric.test(b) : regEx.numeric.test(b);
case a.hasClass('alphanumeric'):
return c ? 0 <= c.indexOf(b) || regEx.alphanumeric.test(b) : regEx.alphanumeric.test(b);
return !0;
$(document).on('keydown', 'input', function(e) {
var a = $(this), b = e.key, c = a.data('allow');
return (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) && 1 == b.length ? procInput(a, b, c) : !0;
/* The following will "dynamically" make the second Alpha input an alpha only input 3 seconds after load is finished. This shows hwo the event assignment is versatile. */
setTimeout(function() { $('#inpAlphaB').val('').addClass('alpha'); }, 3e3);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<hr />
<label for="inpAlpha">Alpha</label>
<input id="inpAlpha" type="text" data-allow="$#*" class="alpha" />
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaB">Alpha B</label>
<input id="inpAlphaB" type="text" /> <sub>Is made "alpha" class 3 seconds after load.</sub>
<hr />
<label for="inpNumeric">Num</label>
<input id="inpNumeric" type="text" data-allow="+-" class="numeric" />
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaNum">Alpha Num</label>
<input id="inpAlphaNum" type="text" data-allow="&" class="alphanumeric" />
<hr />
This version is a little more involved. Still pretty simplistic in that you need only assign classes and use the data-allow="string"
attribute to allow extras. However, the main difference is that this version has its own Object
that can be toggled
on and off. It also has a feature in the very first line that allows you to set it to initially be on
or off
based on whether or not the first variable is true
or false
. This version will also automatically clean the value of alpha|numeric inputs when toggled on.
;(function($) { // $.inputAlphaNumeric // set first variable "initializeON" to bool to toggle on || off from document.ready
var initializeON = true;
function __event(e) {
return $.inputAlphaNumeric.keydown.event.apply($.inputAlphaNumeric, [e, this]);
function adjustValue() { // clean up inputs when feature is toggled 'on'
if (this.state) {
var regEx = this.regEx;
this.inputs.each(function() {
var a = $(this), b = a.val(), c = a.data('allow');
if (b != '') switch(!0) {
case $(this).hasClass('alpha'):
a.val( b.split('').filter(function(v) { if ((c && 0 <= c.indexOf(v)) || regEx.alpha.test(v)) return v; }).join('') );
case $(this).hasClass('numeric'):
a.val( b.split('').filter(function(v) { if ((c && 0 <= c.indexOf(v)) || regEx.numeric.test(v)) return v; }).join('') );
case $(this).hasClass('alphanumeric'):
a.val( b.split('').filter(function(v) { if ((c && 0 <= c.indexOf(v)) || regEx.alphanumeric.test(v)) return v; }).join('') );
return this;
function keyDown() {
return { event: keyDownEvent, process: keyDownProcess }
function keyDownEvent(e, inp) {
var a = $(inp), b = e.key, c = a.data('allow');
return (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) && 1 == b.length ? this.keydown.process.apply(this, [a, b, c]) : !0;
function keyDownProcess(a, b, c) {
var regEx = this.regEx;
switch(!0) {
case a.hasClass('alpha'):
return c ? 0 <= c.indexOf(b) || regEx.alpha.test(b) : regEx.alpha.test(b);
case a.hasClass('numeric'):
return c ? 0 <= c.indexOf(b) || regEx.numeric.test(b) : regEx.numeric.test(b);
case a.hasClass('alphanumeric'):
return c ? 0 <= c.indexOf(b) || regEx.alphanumeric.test(b) : regEx.alphanumeric.test(b);
return !0;
function inputAlphaNumeric(initOn) {
Object.defineProperties(this, {
__state: { enumerable: false, value: false, writable: true },
adjustVal: {
enumerable: false,
value: adjustValue,
writable: false
classes: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return [ 'alpha', 'numeric', 'alphanumeric' ]; } },
inputs: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return $(this.selector); } },
keydown: { enumerable: false, get: keyDown },
off: { value: function() { return this.toggle('off'); } },
on: { value: function() { return this.toggle('on'); } },
regEx: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return {
alpha: new RegExp('[a-z]', 'i'),
numeric: new RegExp('[0-9]'),
alphanumeric: new RegExp('[a-z]|[0-9]', 'i')
selector: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return '.' + this.classes.join(', .'); } },
state: {
get: function() { return this.__state; },
set: function(onOff) {
switch (typeof onOff) {
case 'boolean':
this.__state = onOff
case 'string':
switch (onOff) {
case 'on':
this.__state = true;
case 'off':
this.__state = false;
this.__state = true;
this.__state = true;
return this;
toggle: {
value: function(onOff) {
this.state = void 0 == onOff ? !this.state : onOff;
$(document)[this.state ? 'on' : 'off']('keydown', 'input', __event);
return this.adjustVal();
if (initOn) this.on();
return this;
$.inputAlphaNumeric = new inputAlphaNumeric(initializeON);
// checkbox to toggle feature on and off
$(document).on('change', '[type=checkbox]', function(e) { var a = $.inputAlphaNumeric.toggle(this.checked); if (window['console'] && console.debug) console.debug(a); });
// sets initial state of checkbox based on whether or not feature is on or off
$('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', $.inputAlphaNumeric.state);
setTimeout(function() { $('#inpAlphaB').val('').addClass('alpha'); }, 3e3);
$.each($.inputAlphaNumeric, function(k,v) { console.debug(k + ":\t", v); });
console.debug("$.inputAlphaNumeric:\t", $.inputAlphaNumeric);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<label for="inpAlpha">Alpha</label>
<input id="inpAlpha" type="text" data-allow="$#* " class="alpha" /><!--Notice I added a "space" value as well-->
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaB">Alpha B</label>
<input id="inpAlphaB" type="text" /> <sub>Is made "alpha" class 3 seconds after load.</sub>
<hr />
<label for="inpNumeric">Num</label>
<input id="inpNumeric" type="text" data-allow="+-" class="numeric" />
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaNum">Alpha Num</label>
<input id="inpAlphaNum" type="text" data-allow="&" class="alphanumeric" />
<hr />
<label for="inpAlphaNumToggle">Alpha Num</label>
<input id="inpAlphaNumToggle" type="checkbox" />
<hr />