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webpack 2 exits with code 3221226505 when importing external css (in vue.js component)

I'm trying to use Google's Material Components for Web in my project. The problem is that when I'm adding the import statement, webpack doesn't output anything but exits with code 3221226505, according to npm.

Here's a snippet of my App.vue:

import 'material-components-web/dist/material-components-web.min.css';

The project's commit tree can be found here, and here's the npm log in case it contains anything interesting.

I hope someone can help me with this issue. If you find anything else unconventional in my repo, please let me know. Thank you!


  • Turned out I just forgot to define a loader for css files. Even though I'm still wondering why webpack just exits with some error code...

    However, here's a part of my updated webpack.config.js. module.exports.module.rules does now contain this:

      test: /\.css$/,
      use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']