i am using Buttons as controls in the Container ( Parent Form ) and when the Child form appears the Controls in the Parent Form ( Button , Picture , label ) appears on the Child form and Cover it and i cant see the child Form do any one know how to prevent this ,, and i don want to make these controls as
cuz when i minimize the child form i want the user to get the ability to see the Container with all the controls
Is the child control another container or a seperate form? If it is another container use whatever the name of the child form and bringtoFront i.e. child.BringToFront();
I think your problem is that you are putting controls in the parent container. They will remain on top of any mdi Child forms that you create. I think the best way for you to handle this is to change their visibility based on the window state of the mdi Child form either by creating a custom event in the Child form or monitoring the window state of the child form in the parent.