I am creating a web app in which i have an input field
<input type="file" ng-model="getfilename" />
and a button
<button ng-click="clickfordetails()">Click Here!</button>
and a paragraph tag<P>{{file}}</p>
when a user clicks on button after entering a file from input field he should get the file name in {{file}}
and here is my controller for the same
$scope.clickfordetails=function() {
but i am unable to get the file name when i edit my controller to this
$scope.clickfordetails=function() {
the value in my console(google chrome) is Undefined
how i need to do this??
Use the below directive
directive('customFileInput', [function () {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element.on('change', function (evt) {
var files = evt.target.files;