I'm trying to pass JSON data to GSP page and display table.
Expected JSON:
"data": [
"Tiger Nixon",
"System Architect",
I'm trying to make it with:
def resp = [data:["System", "One", "Test"]]
[resp: resp]
and display:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
"ajax": "${raw(resp)}"
} ); } );
But result in page source code is:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
"ajax": "\u007bdata=\u005bSystem\u002c One\u002c Test\u005d\u007d"
} );
How to pass it correctly?
When I pass a string it works:
var str = '${raw(resp)}';
var json = JSON.parse(str);
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
data: json
} );
} );
def resp = '[[ \"Tiger Nixon\", \"System Architect\", \"Edinburgh\"]]'
respond resp, model:[resp: resp]
Page Source code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var str = '[[ "Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh"]]';
var json = JSON.parse(str);
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
data: json
} );
} );
But when I try to pass
def resp = [["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh"]]
it generates an error
Whilst you have got it to work, I think maybe you are manipulating your data into non standard methods to get a result in a round about way.
I will try and explain an alternative way and a way which can be used within your service to build the map you are sending which then just rendered in controller:
def resp = [data:["System", "One", "Test"]]
What you have there is:
//A groovy map object
Map resp = [:]
//It has one element called data which contains a list
//add in system
resp.data << 'system'
resp.data << 'One'
resp.data << 'Test'
This may have been a list generated by some findBy or other form of db lookup in which case resp.data just becomes the list
def myList=['system','one','Test']
Now we have back our object as you had it
def resp = [data:["System", "One", "Test"]]
Map resp = [data:["System", "One", "Test"]]
If you now do
String myResp = (resp as JSON).toString()
You are using groov as JSON to first convert that map to json and finally convert the JSON object into string
You could have a function in a service that returns either the JSON or finished String object to the controller directly building data dynamically.
I have only given my two cents because looking at:
def obj = [["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh"]]
Seems like some odd map you are building just to match your java script which I think could possibly do with improvement to work directly with the given map rather than this strange object:
var str = '${raw(resp)}';
var jsonData = JSON.parse(str);
var jsonResult = jsonData.data;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
data: jsonResult
} );
} );
I think now jsonResult
will just hold the object you were looking at. I provided a link to improving javascript to a search result from within one of my plugins. I did some json stuff with that and wschat plugins.
Haven't tested any of above just going on what how I did it vs your style which looks unusual and possible non comforming to any standards and a harder way to go about building larger dynamic data sets