I have multiple class with a Qualifier that I created:
@ServiceComponent(restPath = "/trucks")
public class TruckService {
@ServiceComponent(restPath = "/cars")
public class CarService {
here is the Qualifier (not important for the question)
@Target({TYPE, FIELD})
public @interface ServiceComponent {
public boolean exposeAsRest() default true;
@Nonbinding public String restPath() default "";
@Nonbinding public String restGetPrefix() default "get,find,all";
@Nonbinding public String restPostPrefix() default "create,new,post";
in another class, I inject those instance using javax.enterprise.inject.Instance<>
class SomeConfigurationClasss {
Instance<Object> _restComponents;
public void iterate() throws Exception {
for(Object obj : _restComponents){
//.flatMap(obj -> somefuncion(obj));
if I execute the "normal" iteration (for...) I get the Object (TruckService or CarService) given as parameter to the somefunction().
but if I use javaslang's List.of(...) I get the Instance itself. Which I think it's the expected behavior
Is there a possibility to use List.of on a Instance that can contain one or multiple bean (depending on the injection binding). (I already try to call iterator(), select() on the Instance)
Instance<T> extends Iterable<T>
so you should use List#ofAll(Iterable)