I have been trying to run a couple of processing (java based) sketches using Jython. However, in both cases I am getting similar errors which I can not resolve. Here is my first piece of very basic code:
from processing.core import PApplet
class HelloProcessing(PApplet):
def setup(self):
global p
p = self
p.size(350, 350)
def draw(self):
p.rect(150, 150, 50, 50)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pawt
I get the following errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nimanamjouyan/workspace/LearningPyDev/src/helloProcessing.py", line 15, in <module>
File "/home/nimanamjouyan/jython-installer-2.7.0/Lib/pawt/__init__.py", line 9, in test
f.add('Center', panel)
TypeError: add(): 1st arg can't be coerced to String, java.awt.Component
The other piece of code I am trying to run is this:
from javax.swing import JFrame
from processing.core import PApplet
from random import uniform
numBoxes = 1000
boxes = []
class RandBoxes (PApplet):
def __init__(self):
def setup(self):
self.size(winWidth, winHeight, self.JAVA2D)
while len(boxes)<numBoxes:
boxes.append(Box(self, uniform(0,winWidth),uniform(0,winHeight)))
print "number of boxes = %d" % len(boxes)
# rqd due to PApplet's using frameRate and frameRate(n) etc.
def getField(self, name):
#return self.class.superclass.getDeclaredField(name).get(self)
return self.PApplet.getDeclaredField(name).get(self)
def draw(self):
for b in boxes:
if self.frameCount % 10 == 0:
print "frameRate=%f frameCount=%i" % (self.getField('frameRate'), self.frameCount)
class Box(object):
def __init__(self, p, x, y):
self.p = p
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.c = p.color(255,255,0)
def step(self):
self.x = max(min(self.x+uniform(-1,1),winWidth),0)
self.y = max(min(self.y+uniform(-1,1),winHeight),0)
def paint(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
frame = JFrame(title="Processing",resizable = 0,defaultCloseOperation=JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
panel = RandBoxes()
while panel.defaultSize and not panel.finished:
frame.visible = 1
The error I am getting this time is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nimanamjouyan/workspace/LearningPyDev/src/RandBoxesTest.py", line 54, in <module>
TypeError: add(): 1st arg can't be coerced to java.awt.PopupMenu, java.awt.Component
These two errors seem to be very similar. What am I doing wrong here? is java.awt incompatible with the class that I am parsing to? How can I fix this?
Any help is much appreciated.
My guess is that this is a result of PApplet
no longer extending Applet
and no longer being directly embedded in a JFrame
as of Processing 3. For more info, see this page.
Presumably the library you're using relies on PApplet
extending Applet
, so it won't work with Processing 3. That's why your solution of going back to an older version of Processing works.
You'd have to check your library's documentation to see if there's a way to make it work with Processing 3. Otherwise you're stuck using the older versions of Processing for now.