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How to capture the output of a command without it displaying in stdout

How can I capture the output of a command and check for what it says without the command displaying in stdout? For example:

  def update!
      `git pull origin master`
      if $?.exitstatus > 0
        puts 'Failed to update'
      elsif $?.success?
        puts 'Upgraded successfully'
        puts 'Already up to date'

How can I capture the output of this in order to check whether the command says up-to date, an error occurs, or successfully updates? Is there a way to write the output to a file instead of to the console?

Update for answer:

def update!
  update_status = `git pull origin master 2>&1`
  if $?.exitstatus > 0
    puts 'error'
  elsif update_status =~ /Already up-to date/
    puts 'same version as origin master'
    puts 'updated'

The output for this will always be:

[06:44:29 INFO] Updating to newest version..

Even if the version is the same as the origin. What I would like to do, if possible, is save the stdout of the command to a file and read from that file to discover if the program was updated or not. I think that would be the easiest way to go about doing this.


  • You can assign the output of the command to a string.

    Use 2>&1 to redirect stderr to stdout and thus capture all the output.

    str = `git pull origin master 2>&1`
    if $?.exitstatus > 0
    elsif str =~ /up-to-date/