My application involves scanning through the phone camera and detecting text. The only words that my application is concerned with is valid english words. I have a list of ~354,000 valid english words that i can compare my scanned word with.
Since my application continuously detects text, i need this functionality to be very very fast. I have applied Levenshtein Distance technique. For each word, I:
using Scanner
The problem is that it is very very slow. Without applying this, my app manages to ocr more than 20 words in around 70 to 100 millisecond. When i include this fixing routine, my app takes more that 1 full minute (60000ms) for a single word.
I was wondering if this technique is even suitable, given my case. If not, what other tested way should i go with? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know this is possible, looking at how android keyboards are able to instantly correct our incorrectly typed words.
Other Failed endeavors:
service. (doesn't fit my case. Result receipt via a callback is the issue)My Solution that works: I created a MYSQL table and uploaded the list of valid english words in it. It solves all the problems addressed in the question.
Here is my Android Application for reference: Optical Dictionary & Vocabulary Teacher