Goal: I am trying to add a bunch of vertices and edges in a single traversal and return a subset of those.
It might be that the fluent API is still in Beta or that I haven't understood the API properly:
I think there is a problem with .select() and GraphResultSet one() and all() but here is what I have tried:
GraphTraversal<Vertex,Vertex> traversal = g.addV("Entity").property("uuid","testuuid").as("a")
GraphStatement graphStatement = DseGraph.statementFromTraversal(traversal.select("a","b"));
GraphResultSet grs = dseSession.executeGraph(graphStatement.setGraphName("graph"));
I am creating two vertices a,b and I select both of them.. if I select only one
works fine... but now that I select both a and b ... grs.one() and grs.all() return both results in a list [] and in an obj {} .. iterator() doesn't work properly since grs.all().count() is 1.. so I can't get what I need .. assuming that grs.all() returns an iterator for two things and grs.one() returns the first thing.
grs.all() returns something like that:
[{a=DefaultVertex{id={~label=Entity, community_id=903802240, member_id=515}, label=Entity, properties=com.google.common.collect.Iterators$3@3670f00}, b=DefaultVertex{id={~label=Entity, community_id=903802240, member_id=516}, label=Entity, properties=com.google.common.collect.Iterators$3@452e26d0}}]
grs.one() returns something like that:
{a=DefaultVertex{id={~label=Entity, community_id=1220980480, member_id=514}, label=Entity, properties=com.google.common.collect.Iterators$3@10b892d5}, b=DefaultVertex{id={~label=Entity, community_id=1220980480, member_id=515}, label=Entity, properties=com.google.common.collect.Iterators$3@3d3f761a}}
Edit (trying to iterate over multiple things in the same row (see comments):
GraphNode ga = grs.all().iterator().next(); // this contains both a and b
System.out.println(ga.getClass()); // this is ObjectGraphNode :/
I am using:
Any help is appreciated!
I'm not sure what your expectation is, but select("a","b")
is supposed to return both vertices in a single "row". Both results, for all()
and one()
, look good to me.
Here's a wild guess; you're probably looking for something like this:
This traversal would create 2 vertices and return them in 2 separate rows.
After figuring out, in the comments below, that the use-case was to iterate over the map entries returned in a GraphNode
(which is a wrapper for any object returned by the DSE Graph API), the answer should be one of the following.
If you only need the first vertex:
If you only need the second vertex:
If you need all / multiple vertices:
GraphNode n = executeGraph(statementFromTraversal(
n.get("a").asVertex() // work w/ vertex a
n.get("b").asVertex() // work w/ vertex b