I have a program (console), where I put all the text in a separate .txt file.
I use fgets()
to read a string from the file, but when the file contains a \n and I later print the string, it prints \n instead of a linebreak
Here is an example:
FILE* fic = NULL;
char str[22]; //str is the string we will use
//open the file
fic = fopen ("text.txt", "r");
//read from the file
fgets(str, size, fic);
If this is what I have in my text.txt:
This is \n an example
However what comes out on the console is
This is \n an example
Instead of
This is
an example
Edit: in the file it's written as \n. I also tried addint \ or \t in the file but it would print \ and \t instead of a tabulation or a single back-slash
fgets just sees the \ and the n as normal characters. You have to translate it by your self to a linefeed character. Maybe with help of strstr() or similar.