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Ignoring unmapped members after ConvertUsing

this is my code :

public class UserProfile:Profile
    public UserProfile()
        CreateMap<UserViewModel, ApplicationUsers>().ConvertUsing<UserEncryptor>();

public class UserEncryptor : ITypeConverter<UserViewModel, ApplicationUsers>
    private readonly IConfigurationRoot _configuration;
    public UserEncryptor(IConfigurationRoot configuration)
        _configuration = configuration;

    public ApplicationUsers Convert(UserViewModel source, ApplicationUsers destination, ResolutionContext context)
        if (context==null||source == null) return null;
        var aes = new Common.EncryptionAes(_configuration[key: "Keys:AesKey"]);
        return new ApplicationUsers
            UserName = aes.EncryptAes(source.Username),
            Email = aes.EncryptAes(source.Email),
            PhoneNumber = aes.EncryptAes(source.MobileNumber),
            User = new User
                FirstName = aes.EncryptAes(source.FirstName),
                LastName = aes.EncryptAes(source.LastName),
                Gender = aes.EncryptAes(source.Gender.ToString()),
                ProfileImage = aes.EncryptAes(source.ProfileImage.FileName)

Note that ApplicationUsers is inherited from IdentityUser Class.

When I tested this mapping,I got this error :

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I know this error is for that some members are not ignored. Something like this

 CreateMap<UserViewModel ,ApplicationUsers >()
.ConvertUsing(converter=> new ApplicationUsers(){
Email = converter.Email,

will help me because by default ignore rest of the members but the problem is that if I want to use this kind of code, I cant encrypt my members because I don't access to DI configuration for profile.Because profile is parameter less.

I need something similar to upper code that can implement in ITypeConverter functions.

Anyone has any solution ?


  • refer to this link GitHub Issue

    that I asked my self,I got my answer :

    In my test I must define the profile like this :
