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iOS App, embedded provisioing profile of framework produces error ITMS-90159 / 90179

We use the Microstrategy SDK 10.5 with XCode 7.3.1 for developing an iOS App.

The built and internal test on our devices works fine, but we are not able to upload the App to the store due to the attached issues.

enter image description here

As I understand, the problem is related Microstrategy Framework and its embedded provisioning profile. While uploading we try to sign the app with our company certificate and add our provisioning profile, but the framework uses its own embedded provisioing profile, therefore the upload fails.

If we remove this framework the upload process to the store would works.

Any ideas or hints to solve this problem?

Kind Regards, Alex


  • The easiest option is getting Microstrategy to deliver their mobile SDK as an unsigned framework. Xcode doesn't require framework targets to be signed. They can and should be signed in the embedding frameworks build phase of an application target.

    If needed or preferred, you can also re-sign the framework yourself:

    1. See if the Microstrategy SDK framework contains a provisioning profile (most likely named embedded.mobileprovision). If so, delete it.
    2. Re-sign the framework with the command codesign --deep --force --sign "<< Your distribution identity name here >>" path/to/microstrategy.framework.