In my poker app I have an array of hands, each hand being array of randomly selected card objects with value and suit:
[ [ { value: 5, suit: 's' },
{ value: 4, suit: 's' },
{ value: 6, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 11, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 12, suit: 'c' } ],
[ { value: 9, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 12, suit: 'h' },
{ value: 8, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 12, suit: 's' },
{ value: 2, suit: 's' } ],
[ { value: 4, suit: 'h' },
{ value: 6, suit: 's' },
{ value: 10, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 3, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 7, suit: 'd' } ] ]
To prepare the hands for evaluation I want to return an array of hand objects, each with an array of values
and suits
. So the output would be:
values: [5, 4, 6, 11, 12],
suits: ['s', 's', 'c', 'd', 'c']
values: [9, 12, 8, 12, 2],
suits: ['d', 'h', 'c', 's', 's']
values: [4, 6, 10, 3, 7],
suits: ['h', 's', 'c', 'd', 'd']
I'm trying to use nested forEach loops to achieve this, like so:
let temp = []
hands.forEach((el) => {
temp = el
el = {}
el.values = []
el.suits = []
temp.forEach((obj) => {
console.log(el) //expected output
console.log(el) //expected output
console.log(hands) //same as original
However as the comments outline, it behaves as expected until the loop has finished, where hands
has not changed at all. What am I missing here?
does not change the array on which it was called, it simply iterates the array calling a function for each element. If you want to build a new array inside that function, just do so
var newArray = [];
hands.forEach((el) => {
var newValue = // do something here
I think what you're trying to do is this:
var hands = [ [ { value: 5, suit: 's' },
{ value: 4, suit: 's' },
{ value: 6, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 11, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 12, suit: 'c' } ],
[ { value: 9, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 12, suit: 'h' },
{ value: 8, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 12, suit: 's' },
{ value: 2, suit: 's' } ],
[ { value: 4, suit: 'h' },
{ value: 6, suit: 's' },
{ value: 10, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 3, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 7, suit: 'd' } ] ];
let newValues = []
hands.forEach((el) => {
var temp = {values:[], suits:[]};
el.forEach((obj) => {
console.log(newValues) // NOT same as original
There is many ways to achieve this same thing, the best I could come up with is below - and avoids the double
seen in other answers (which is pretty inefficient).
var hands = [ [ { value: 5, suit: 's' },
{ value: 4, suit: 's' },
{ value: 6, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 11, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 12, suit: 'c' } ],
[ { value: 9, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 12, suit: 'h' },
{ value: 8, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 12, suit: 's' },
{ value: 2, suit: 's' } ],
[ { value: 4, suit: 'h' },
{ value: 6, suit: 's' },
{ value: 10, suit: 'c' },
{ value: 3, suit: 'd' },
{ value: 7, suit: 'd' } ] ];
let newValues = => {
return h.reduce( (p,c) => {
return p;
},{values:[], suits:[]});
console.log(newValues) // NOT same as original