What is the reason why lambdas have no default constructor? Is there any technical reason behind that, or is it a pure design decision?
Lambdas in C++ are a syntactic convenience to allow the programmer to avoid declaring a functor using traditional syntax like
struct my_functor
bool operator()(Object &) { /* do something */ return false; }
because writing functors using this syntax is considered too long winded for simple functions.
Lambdas offer parameter capture options e.g [=], [&] etc. , to save you declaring variables and initializing them, like you might do in the constructor of a functor object.
So Lambdas don't expose any constructor syntax to you by design.
There is no technical reason a lambda function could not expose a constructor, however if it were to do so it would stop mimicking the design concept it is named for.
With thanks to the commentators under the question.