I'm trying to remove an element from the tree using the "ref" attribute
<produit ref="1" designation="PC" qte="12" pu="123"/>
<produit ref="2" designation="Imprimante" qte="23" pu="4578"/>
<produit ref="3" designation="Souris" qte="243" pu="15"/>
<produit ref="4" designation="Clavier" qte="50" pu="60"/>
<produit ref="5" designation="Scanner" qte="34" pu="500"/>
<produit ref="6" designation="Bureau" qte="34" pu="1500"/>
<produit ref="7" designation="Projecteur" qte="10" pu="10000"/>
Here is my function and it is not working.
public void supProduit(int ref) throws DocumentException
Element root =document.getRootElement();
List<Node> nodesP = document.selectNodes("//Produits/Produit[@ref='"+ref+"']" );
for (Node node : nodesP) {
Your XPath expression is wrong, it should be
"//produits/produit[@ref='" + ref + "']"
Element names are case-sensitive, why the list was empty.