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Matlab: how to save the image result Real-time plotting of ROI selected with IMRECT

I am confused about how to save the ROI resulting from calling imrect. I want to save the image on subplot(2,1,2)

The code is:

function Zoomer

highResImage = imread('E:\My Work\THESISQ\FIX\Koding\data coba\Image_3060.jpg');
lowResImage = imresize(highResImage,0.5);

a1 = subplot(2,1,1);
a2 = subplot(2,1,2);

initialPosition = [10 10 100 100];
lowResRect = imrect(a1,initialPosition);

lowResRect.addNewPositionCallback( @(pos)Callback(pos,a2,highResImage));

Callback( initialPosition , a2, highResImage);

function Callback(position,axesHandle, highResImage)
position = position * 2;
x1 = position(1);
y1 = position(2);
x2 = position(1) + position(3);
y2 = position(2) + position(4);

highResThumbnail = highResImage( round(y1:y2),round(x1:x2),:);

if isempty( get(axesHandle,'Children')) 
    imHandle = get(axesHandle,'Children');
    oldSize = size(get(imHandle,'CData'));
    if ~isequal(oldSize, size(highResThumbnail))
        set( imHandle,'CData', highResThumbnail);

This is my picture and i want to crop the lymphocyte cell on this picture using that code

Picture of cells with one lymphocyte cell

After running my code, the result is

the result image

How can I save the image on subplot(2,1,2)?


  • Edit: I initially read your question too quickly, it looks like you already know how to extract the sub-matrix from your image using the coordinates from imrect because you successfully extract and display highResThumbnail. The only piece you are missing is how to save a matrix as an image.

    Use imwrite to save highResThumbnail to any supported image format

    For example

    imwrite(highResThumbnail, 'thumb.png');

    How to use imrect to get a piece of an image

    The imrect command only gives you x and y coordinates and width and height. To save that the selected rectangle. Use the coordinates to index into your image matrix. Then, you can save the sub matrix with imwrite.

    A = imread('peppers.png');
    figure, imshow(A);
    h = imrect;
    position = wait(h); %Pause until user double clicks on rectangle
    %position contains [x y width height]
    startx = position(1);
    endx = position(1)+position(3);
    starty = position(2);
    endy = position(2)+position(4);
    %Use the coordinates to grab a submatrix of A
    B = A(starty:endy, startx:endx, :);
    imwrite(B, 'pepper_rect.png');

    For subplots, you can only select a rectangle on the active subplot. You can switch between subplots by calling the subplot command again.

    %Plot all my images
    %Active image is the most recently plotted
    h = imrect;
    position = wait(h); %Pause until user double clicks on rectangle
    %Call subplot again to activate first image
    h = imrect;
    position = wait(h); %Pause until user double clicks on rectangle