Below is a List
typedef struct List{
void **array;
/* Following members for Housekeeping - Array enhancement*/
int lastItemPosition;
int size;
operation tries to free(*(list->array))
expecting to just free the array of void*
but not the objects pointed to each void*
because listPointer
takes shallow copy of list
List *createList(List *list, Op opType){
List *listPointer = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
void *accumulator = NULL;
if(opType == CREATE_NEW_LIST){
accumulator = malloc(INITIAL_LIST_SIZE*sizeof(void*));
listPointer->array = &accumulator;
/* Is it safe to initialise zero to element of array of void* pointers? */
listPointer->array = memset(listPointer->array, 0, INITIAL_LIST_SIZE*sizeof(void *));
listPointer->lastItemPosition = -1;
listPointer->size = INITIAL_LIST_SIZE;
}else if(opType == DOUBLE_THE_LIST){
accumulator = malloc(2*(list->size)*sizeof(void *));
listPointer->array = &accumulator;
/* Performing shallow copy, Is deep copy required? */
listPointer->array = memcpy(listPointer->array, list->array, list->size*sizeof(void*));
listPointer->lastItemPosition = list->lastItemPosition;;
listPointer->size = 2*(list->size);
free(*(list->array)); // How to free list pointer and its members?
}else if(opType == HALF_THE_LIST){
accumulator = malloc(((list->size)/2)*sizeof(void *));
listPointer->array = &accumulator;
/* Performing shallow copy, Is deep copy required? */
listPointer->array = memcpy(listPointer->array, list->array, (list->size/2)*sizeof(void *));
listPointer->lastItemPosition = list->lastItemPosition;
listPointer->size = (list->size)/2;
free(*(list->array)); // How to free list pointer and its members?
return listPointer;
following list operations are performed List
void insertItem(List *, void *newItem);
void deleteItem(List *, int listIndex);
User access,
/* main.c */
int main(void){
List *arrayList = createList((List *)NULL, CREATE_NEW_LIST);
if (arrayList == (List *)NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to createList() \n");
exit(1); //Nothing else to do without arrayList
/* Objects should be on heap */
int *object = malloc(sizeof(int));
*object = 650;
insertItem(arrayList, object);
Can you please clarify, what does free(*(list->array)) does in my code?
The following code snipped should do the job:
else if(opType == DOUBLE_THE_LIST){
listPointer->array = realloc(listPointer->array, 2*(list->size)*sizeof(void *));
listPointer->lastItemPosition = list->lastItemPosition;;
listPointer->size = 2*(list->size);
// do not free any more: free(*(list->array)); // How to free list pointer and its members?