I' m trying to automate the import of mappings (XML) in ODI 12c, using a Groovy script and the ODI SDK. But my code just keeps running without any result. Here's is my code.
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
ImportServiceImpl importSrv = new ImportServiceImpl(odiInstance);
importSrv.importObjectFromXml(importSrv.IMPORT_MODE_SYNONYM_INSERT, filename, parentObj, true, null, true);
The code runs for indefinite amount of time until I manually terminate the program. I don't understand what is the problem. Link to javadoc: https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/odi/reference-java-api/oracle/odi/impexp/IImportService.html#importObjectFromXml(int,%20java.lang.String,%20boolean,%20char[],%20boolean)
And also, I don't understand the fourth parameter in the method
void importObjectFromXml(int pImportMode,
java.lang.String pFileName,
IImportRoot pObjectParent,
boolean pDeclareMissingRepository,
char[] pExportKey,
boolean pImportWithoutCipherData)
throws OdiImportNotSupportedException,
I tried using both true and false for pDeclareMissingRepository but none works. Please help, if I'm missing something.
You should use importObjectFromXml
instead of importFromXml
which is specific to SmartImport.
Try with
importSrv.importObjectFromXml(IImportService.IMPORT_MODE_SYNONYM_INSERT, filename, parentObj, true, null, true)
The pDeclareMissingRepository is linked to the way objects were identified in 11g, with an internal ID and a repository ID. When importing it would check if it could recognize the repository ID from where the object is exported. I don't think it's used anymore but for your usage you can safely leave the value to true.