I'm using Open Flash Chart 2 to present graphs and charts in my website. I'm trying to load the JSON data for a chart from the same page. There are several ways to do that.
All seem to work fine on FireFox, Chrome etc. The only browser that has a problem is IE (I'm using IE 8)
Looking a little into the open source I found that the library is using ExetrnalInterface to execute the javascript method, and altough the ExternalInterface seems to be available, it returns null for any execution of a method in IE.
It seems like this issue is already known for the Flash developers community, so I did tried few things (though there are some solutions that I could not use in the library - for example unique id for the embed element. The library generates it)
In conclusion, I'm probably missing a simple solution for my problem.
My code:
This is the jquery call to the open flash chart from javascript:
src: ofc_swf,
width: "400",
height: "250",
allowscriptaccess: "always",
wmode: "transparent",
flashvars: {"get-data": "getFlashJson"}
version: 8
And this is the javascript method that will return the JSON source of the chart:
function getFlashJson()
var val = $("#myJson").val();
return val;
I'll appreciate any help on this.
Try to update swfobject.js: for me, version 2.2 had resolved my problems.