I'm evaluating the porting of SQL Server database to MongoDb.
The problem is moving stored procedures, I read about MongoDb stored JavaScript and I would like make some test in in .Net. I've installed MongoDb driver 2.4.0 and created this function on MongoDb named test_function
function (x)
return x;
This is the code I use to try to invoke that function:
MongoClient oMongoClient = new MongoClient(Properties.Settings.Default.MongoCN);
IMongoDatabase oMongoDatabase = oMongoClient.GetDatabase("test_db");
var result = oMongoDatabase.RunCommand<BsonDocument>("test_function(3)");
I get this error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in MongoDB.Bson.dll Additional information: JSON reader was expecting a value but found 'test_function'.
I think you can use this way to run a stored script:
var cmd = new JsonCommand<BsonDocument>("{ eval: \"test_function(2)\" }");
var result = db.RunCommand(cmd);
But result is in BsonDocument
to get the correct result you can use this methods:
var intResult = result["retval"].ToInt32();