Search code examples

Remove all lines in file A which contain the strings in file B

I have 2 text file and want remover lines in file A which contain the strings in file B

file A:

joe     ball     1335
john    dyer     1365
dylan   fisher   1795
ian     gill     1913
eric    kelly    1101

file B:


And I want Bash code get result like this:

joe     ball     1335
john    dyer     1365
eric    kelly    1101

I try this codes but the answer did not work out

$ grep -vwF -f A B
$ awk -F'[ ,]' 'FNR==NR{a[$1];next} !($4 in a)'


  • awk  'NR==FNR{a[$1];next} !($3 in a)' fileB fileA

    It uses space as field separator, and $1 is the first column element of a line, $3 is the 3rd column element of the line. use array a store fileB elements a[$1]. checks the 3rd column element of fileA whether in array a, if not print the whole line Output:

    joe     ball     1335
    john    dyer     1365
    eric    kelly    1101