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How to render a view from a route?

My app contains two views with templates, router, model and collection.


In router.js, I'm trying to navigate to a child view.

], function($, Backbone, ItemView) {
    'use strict';

    return Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
            '': 'list',
            'list/add': 'addItem',
            'list/edit/:id': 'editItem'

        addItem: function() {
            new ItemView();

By looking at the call stack, I see that my router triggers. But the template of my child view doesn't initializes.

item.js code:

return Backbone.View.extend({
    template: _.template(itemTemplate),

    events: {
        'click #save': 'saveItem',
        'click #cancel': 'cancel'

    initialize: function() {

    render: function() {
        return this;


  • Underscore's _.template

    Underscore _.template function takes a template string as argument (and optionally a settings object) and returns a new pre-compiled template function which can take an object as an argument.

    template: _.template(itemTemplate), // this returns a function, which is fine here.

    This line is fine, but the following one puts the returned function as the HTML content:

    this.$el.html(this.template); // a function reference as HTML?!

    You need to call the pre-compiled template function to get the string:


    Backbone view rendering

    Now that the view's default root element (el) is correctly filled with the template content.

    <div>The div element is the default root element, this text is the template</div>

    But once the template is rendered, the view's element is still not in the page. To make it part of the page, you could:

    • put the view's el manually into another element in the router

      addItem: function() {
          var view = new ItemView();

      I put view.render() here because rendering in the initialize is not my preferred pattern as it's limiting the reuse of the view. But it really depends on what's the view for.

    • pass a selector string or element to the el constructor option of the view

      new ItemView({ el: '#the-view-element-id' });
    • create the view with a hard-coded el property (this can be overridden by the el option above)

          el: '#the-view-element-id',
          /* ... */

    Default route

    If you want to default to the list route, you could make the routes object like this:

    routes: {
        'list/add': 'addItem',
        'list/edit/:id': 'editItem'
        // catch-all (default) route at the end
        '*anything': 'list',

    Additional information: