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UPDATE grouping names delimited by ampersand in excel

Basically, what I'm trying to do is I have this excel formula:

=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(",",A1,FIND(",",A1,FIND("&",A1,FIND("&",A1))))+1),TRIM(MID(A1,FIND("&",A1,1)+1,FIND("&",A1,FIND("&",A1,1)+1)-FIND("&",A1,1)-1)),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(",",A1,FIND(",",A1)+1)),TRIM(MID(A1,FIND("&",A1)+1,FIND("&",A1)-3)),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("&",A1,FIND("&",A1)+1)),CONCATENATE(LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1)-1),",",TRIM(MID(A1,FIND("&",A1,1)+1,FIND("&",A1,FIND("&",A1,1)+1)-FIND("&",A1,1)-1))),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("&", A1)),SUBSTITUTE(A1,MID(A1,FIND(",", A1)+1,FIND(" &", A1)-FIND(",", A1)+2), ""),A1))))

if you notice, this part of it:


I'm trying to say if the cell contains two commas and two ampersands, then do something. Otherwise, I specify it to do something else. Unfortunately, this condition doesn't behave as expected. Although I have cells with two commas and only a single ampersand:


it treats this as true, and applies the subsequent true statement to the above cell and therefore causes a VALUE error because the subsequent true statement doesn't account for the cell above. It only accounts for cells with two commas and two ampersands. I already have another ISNUMBER condition for the cell above, as you can see in my initial formula.

Is there a way to fix my ISNUMBER condition so in the first level of execution, it checks for both two commas and two ampersands in the cell?

Thanks for response.


  • I don't know if I can see what's wrong with your code there, but have you tried a different approach to counting the number of ampersands and commas?


    This just seems a little simpler.