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Froala - get HTML

I'm trying to get the current HTML from an element using Froala 2.4
My main reason is to be able to compare the original HTML from the new HTML to see if the user has changed anything, and if that case trigger a save-event.

Here's my current code


And here's the output

<p spellcheck="false">TestString<b>Edited</b></p>

The problem is that I want to only retrieve this from the first outout:


(I don't want the Paragraph-tag to be included, in this example)

I could make a short function to take care of that for me, but it seems like I'm missing something really obvious regarding the way I get the string from Froala.

Help really appreciated!


  • You probably need to store the contents of your editor somewhere:

    var html = $(this).froalaEditor('html.get'); // <p spellcheck="false">TestStringEdited</p>

    And then just strip out HTML tags, if I got you right. The simplest way is jQuery .text() method:

    var text = $( html ).text(); // TestStringEdited


    You need to strip only upper-level <p> tags right? Here is a function that implements filtering that tags with help of jQuery. But you can rewrite it and make an array of exclusion tags, or call it recursively on each child element of content. And also, you can use regular expressions as an alternative.

    function stripParagraphs( html ) {
      var r = '';
      $( html ).each(function() {
        // test each higher-level tag to be <p>
        if ($( this ).prop( 'tagName' ) === 'P') {
          r += $( this ).html(); // add contents of <p> to result
        } else {
          r += this.outerHTML; // add the whole element to result
      return r;

    Live example.

    one more update

    Strip all top-level tags.

    function stripTopLevelTags( html ) {
      var r = '';
      $( html ).each( function() {
        r += $( this ).unwrap().html();
      return r;

    Live example