I'm using OxyPlot to draw a huge amount of data in a StairStepSeries. The performance is good, but very bad if I'm activating Markers. Therefore I would like to implement a check: Markers can only be activated if a certain number of visible points are not exceeded.
Is it possible to get only the number of visibile points? I found no solution. I get only the total number of points of a chart.
I haven't tested this myself.
public int GetNumberOfVisiblePointsOnScreen(StairStepSeries stairStepSeries)
int numberOfVisiblePointsOnScreen = 0;
foreach (DataPoint point in stairStepSeries.Points) {
if (stairStepSeries.GetScreenRectangle ().Contains (stairStepSeries.Transform (point)))
return numberOfVisiblePointsOnScreen;
GetScreenRectangle() method will give the Rectangle the series currently uses on the screen. Loop through all the DataPoints inside your StairStepSeries and check if it is in the Current screen rectangle.