I'm building an audio visualizer based on a few different codepen experiments I found. I'm new to canvas, and am trying to figure out how to make this run a little more smoothly. So far, it's working pretty well: http://codepen.io/ericjacksonwood/pen/bBGEbM
This is the structure of the visualizer itself:
function Visualizer() {
canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var frequencyWidth = (canvas.width / bufferLength * 4),
frequencyHeight = 0,
x = 0;
for (var increment = 0; increment < bufferLength; increment++) {
frequencyHeight = frequencyData[increment] * (canvas.height * 0.002);
canvasContext.fillStyle = "#0000FF";
canvasContext.fillRect(x, canvas.height - frequencyHeight, frequencyWidth, frequencyHeight);
x += frequencyWidth + 2;
call = requestAnimationFrame(Visualizer);
However, I'd like the bars to fall to the bottom when paused, and not just have them disappear completely. Here's a better example of the functionality I'm looking to achieve: http://codepen.io/ericjacksonwood/pen/xRmXEy
This example works well, but I don't need rainbow bars, so I feel like the majority of the JS can be ignored.
The bars are disappearing completely because you are stopping the animations. Just pause the audio and let the animation render nothing.
Comment out cancelAnimationFrame(call);
and you should see what you want.
I tested your code by commenting the line, and experienced what you would like.