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Getting average from 2 tables?

I need help with sql commands~ Thanks for your help in advance ^^

So I have 2 tables

Table information

How can I get the average from this 2 table.

The result that I want would be

Country Code 65 has 49.5 Frequency
Country Code 42 has 17 Frequency
Country Code 33 has 18 Frequency
Country Code 11 has 5 Frequency

Thank you very much!


  • You can query the two tables as a UNION ALL then use that as a sub-query with a GROUP BY and an AVG() on the Frequency column:

    select cntry_cde, Avg(freq) as freq_avg
        select t1.cntry_cde, t1.freq
        from avg_call t1
        union all
        select t2.cntry_cde, t2.freq
        from calls_at_one t2
    group by cntry_cde;