I need to calculate degree, closeness and betweenness centrality for every node on a graph. I'm currently using the functions built into Cytoscape.js on each node after the cy.ready()
event. However, as the graphs are quite large (250+ Nodes, 650+ Connections) it's taking too long to compute. Can anyone suggest a more efficient method?
var calculateSNA = function() {
// Don't run if already set...
if(data.sna) return false
console.log('Running SNA')
_.map(nodes, function(node) {
var target = cy.nodes('#' + node.data.id)
node.data.sna = {
degreeCentrality: cy.$().dc({ root: target }).degree,
closenessCentrality: cy.$().cc({ root: target }),
betweennessCentrality: cy.$().bc().betweenness(target)
return node
// Add SNA data to local storage
sna: true
console.log('SNA complete')
cy.ready(function(event) {
Run the algorithm once, rather than running it N times. Then just query the result:
let ccn = cy.elements().closenessCentralityNormalized({ /* my options */ });
cy.nodes().forEach( n => {
ccn: ccn.closeness( n )
} );
Use normalised versions of centrality algorithms unless you have a good reason to do otherwise. Only the normalised versions really mean anything if you compare results in one graph to results in another graph, for example.