I'm working on widening the capabilities of an already existing Selenium-based web application testing system. The system currently can only execute tests one at a time. I'd like to increase the system's throughput by adding some parallelism to test execution.
To that end I've been looking into different technologies and am interested in Microsoft's Orleans. However, after spending a day with Orlean's documentation I couldn't find if the technology supports the scenario where I need to run a specific scalable actor a maximum of n times on one computer.
In my case it would be the actor executing a test. Typically with Selenium, test execution requires creation of a WebDriver object which then opens and controls a web browser instance. Those web browsers all have to be open as separate processes not just new windows of same process. With no upper limit and lets say a cluster of 3 nodes and a test plan of 60 tests I'd have 20 web browsers opening simultaneously on each machine, which would likely lead to major decrease of performance or a complete crash. I'd expect the system to have an upper limit of 3 test executing actors per machine and store the rest of tests in a queue, running them only after another worker actor finishes it's test.
How would I go about implementing that with the Orleans technology?
For Orleans, the right solution is NOT to muck around with MaxActiveThreads. You should not really be changing that, almost ever. Instead, you can either just have 9 regular grains total, use them by just having 9 different grain ids (0...8) and the system will spread them randomly across the 3 servers and when you send a new test request, just send it to a random grain out of those 9.
Alternatively, you have StatelessWorker grain, just one grain, but set its max activations (per server) to 3, and that way you will have exactly 3 activations per server (9 total) and the system will auto load balance.
There is no build in persistent queueing in Orleans. You will either have to queue on the client/sender side or send all 60 requests at once, and each grain can store the request in its internal in memory queue and start the next one when the work on the previous one has finished.