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wrong URI passed through spring form action

my project is called CV; in a jsp I have the following spring:form action in the "anagrafica.jsp":

<form:form modelAttribute="anagrafica" action="${pageContext.servletContext.contextPath}/formazione/save" method="post">

in the controller I have:

package it.curriculum.controller;

public class AnagraficaController {
    private ApplicationContext context;
    private AnagraficaDao anagraficaDao;

    public String showHome(@ModelAttribute("tecnologia")Tecnologia tecnologia, ModelMap map){
        return "anagrafica";

    @RequestMapping(value="/save", method=RequestMethod.POST)
    public String validateAnag(@ModelAttribute("anagrafica") Anagrafica anagrafica, @ModelAttribute("formazione") Formazione formazione){;
        return "formazione"

the problem is when I click on the submit button of the anagrafica form: it executes the code inside the previous controller and then it redirects to:

localhost:8080/CV/formazione/save Why so? I just wanted to be redirected to



localhost:8080/CV/formazione/save. Thank you very much for the help.


  • You are missing redirect keyword / merchanism.

    You need to redirect as follows,

    return "redirect:/formazione";