I've tried to build a factorial generator out of words, but every time I enter some big numbers, it makes my numbers negative.
I figured I should use a long
with an identifier (L
). I've applied it to the initialization of the long
, but that didn't fix it. I guess the problem is somewhere around here:
for (int j = 1 ; j <= wordLength; j++) {
temp *= j;
how do I assign the L
to temp
so it reserves enough space for the number to fit in?
The l
isn't applied to variable-names. You can of course do that to include the type of a variable in it's name, but that's rather a question of style than anything else, like this:
long avariableL = someLong;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
avariableL *= i;
is only used for constants in the code, like
long someLong = 123456789L;
Variables don't magically change their type during execution of code. You'll have to declare the variable as long.